Hiking Cerro Chirripo


Cerro Chirripó – One Day Hike

Cerro Chirripó – One Day Hike Ask for information 7,5 km 5-6 Horas Nivel: Medio Description During the hike This walk offers an opportunity to everyone short on time, enabling all guests to learn more about Chirripó National Park in … Read More


Cerro Chirripó – Three day two night hike

Cerro Chirripó – 3 days 2 night hike Ask for information 14,5 km lodge 8-10 Hrs Ascending 4-5 Hrs Descending Difficulty: Medium Descripción Note: Two days, one nights spent in the National Park Total Trip Duration: Three days, two nights … Read More


Cerro Chirripó – Four day three night hike

Cerro Chirripó – 4 days 3 night hike Ask for information 14,5 km lodge 8-10 Hrs Ascending 4-5 Hrs Descending Difficulty: Medium Description Note: Three days, two nights spent in the National Park Total Trip Duration: Four days, three nights … Read More